Showing posts with label tech stuff. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tech stuff. Show all posts

Friday, 9 September 2011

SAMUEL L. IPSUM... dolor sit amet

An Alternative to the classic Lorem Ipsum Generator

You don't need to be a web designer, a web developer, a Search Engine Optimization Guru (SEO) or any other kind of internet marketeer to have heard of the "Lorem ipsum..." text. Anywho, for those that haven't (I really don't see how you can live with yourself...), the "lorem ipsum" text is used as a default blah blah text to emulate content in a web page; so if you were to design a web page and need to see just how it would look with some text, you would go to and generate some paragraphs which you would then copy / paste it into you web design page and preview it. It usualy looks like:

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec at lorem sed augue tempor interdum quis sed risus..." ...and so forth.

This makes no sense for most of us, unless you're a history geek that luvs Latin for some strange reason... We just use it to fill in the blanks without having to randomly type in for 2 minutes, because as web developers we're always extremely busy...

Chuck Norris vs Samuel L Jackson

And since Chuck Norris has not created himself a web site to make a change in the world, we now have Samuel L Jackson, who has step up to give us: the!

"The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the iniquities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children."

Samuel L Ipsum is an alternative Lorem Ipsum Generator, it uses quotes from films which Samuel L Jackson has starred, in place of the standard lipsum text. It is a very funny alternative to the classic lorem ipsum generator and I enjoyed it alot.

The is pretty simple to use and quite straight forward. Just select "HOW MANY FUCKING PARAGRAPHS" you want, whether or not you "WANT A MOTHERFUCKING HEADER TAG", if you want to "ADD SOME FUCKING BITCHASS <P> TAGS" and then just click "Generate It Bitch" :) And if you still don't know what to do next, there are additional instructions: "COPY THE MOTHERFUCKING CODE BELOW AND PASTE IT WERE YOU WOULD FUCKING LIKE IT TO APPEAR MOTHERFUCKER".

Oh, I love this shit! Try it:

Lipsum is dead! Long live Slipsum!

Monday, 15 November 2010

Mobile Instant Messaging si VoIP: skype pe mobil :)

Aveam de ceva timp o dorina arzatoare sa vorbesc de pe mobil oriunde in lume, cat mai ieftin, ba chiar gratis. In era tehnologiei, a vitezei si a broadband-ului mi se pare putin depasita tarifarea unor servicii care pot, la fel de bine, sa fie gratuite. Voice over IP - VoIP - e un termen despre care nu stiu multe lucruri tehnice, decat ce reiese din denumirea protocolului - voice over internet protocol. Poate ca suna complicat, dar acest gen de servicii este disponibil de multa vreme, gratuit, pentru toata lumea; cel mai bun exemplu sunt apelurile voce si video + voce ce pot fi initiate prin aplicatiile de tip instant messaging, precum Yahoo! Messenger®. Skpe este o alta aplicatie de instant messaging foarte populara prin alte tari, dar care incepe sa prinda si la noi. Asa cum Facebook a detronat Hi5, ma astept ca si Skype sa depaseasca in popularitate clasicul Y! Messenger, desi imi imaginez ca va mai dura ceva pana atunci...

Asa... revenind la dorinta mea :P
Pana acum am incercat tot felul de aplicatii de IM pe telefonul meu mobil, dar nici una nu a fost, ei bine, perfecta. Nimbuzz, Fring, Slick, Talkonaut... inca mai sunt instalate pe mobilul meu. Dintre toate acestea, Slick este preferatul meu pentru ca le are pe toate (din cate imi doresc): userfriendly, robust, all-in-one IM (ICQ, Y! Messenger, AIM, MSN, Google Talk, Jabber, Facebook chat), suporta transferul de fisiere, si e destul de prietenos cu bateria. Dezavantajul: nu suporta VoIP. Pentru aceasta facilitate foloseam Nimbuzz. Foloseam pana acum... Pentru ca acum mi-am gasit o nou jucarie: Skype!

In sfarsit am aflat ca exista Skype pentru symbian, care se gaseste acum si pe telefonul meu Nokia E63 (o minunatie de telefon!)! Uraaaa!!! Uraaaaa!! Eu l-am descarcat de la Nokia printr-o conexiune WiFi, intrucat fisierul de peste 4 Mb se descarca destul de greu prin 3G. Acum pot vorbi direct de pe mobil cu oricine din lista mea de contacte, oriunde s-ar afla persoana respectiva si oriunde as fi eu. Desi se misca ceva mai lent uneori, nu are cea mai fericita interfata, si s-a blocat o singura data, Skype pentru symbian este minunat!

Descarca Skype pentru mobil de pe sau de pe

Sa ma suni pe skype cand vii de la seriviciu, iubito! :)

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